As the last stop on a lecture tour at four Southern locations this week, I'm looking forward to participating this afternoon and tomorrow in the PPE 2019 conference.

I hope to both hear about familiar topics from unfamiliar angles, and to hear about new and wonderful things in the intersection of P,P and E.

Here is the whole program, and here are some Friday and Saturday sessions I'm already looking forward to (airline arrivals permitting...):

Fairness in Voluntary Exchanges
Eric MacGilvray, Moderator
“Bargaining Based Fairness,” Ben Ferguson
“Exploitation and Unfair Pricing,” Matthew Zwolinski
“Democratic Exchange,” Thomas Christiano
Room: Storyville I

Political Philosophy Meets Experimental Philosophy
Nick Cowan, Moderator
“Gender Equality in the Australian Workplace,” Holly Lawford-Smith
“Feasibility and Normative Encroachment,” Nicholas Southwood
“The Social Epistemology of Political Discourse: A Case Study Using Twitter
Activity,” Mark Alfano
Room: Storyville I

Matching Mechanisms and Algorithmic Fairness in Policy Design
Alex Schaefer, Moderator
Participants: “Unenviable Matches, Priorities, and Preferences: A Case Study of Matching Mechanisms,” Zoe Hitzig
“Preferential Mistreatment: Against Group Preference-Based Algorithmic Fairness,”
Lily Hu“Bridging the ‘Normative Gap’: Matching Mechanisms and Social Justice,” Kate Vredenburgh
Room: Buddy Bolden 28

Repugnant Markets
Ann Cudd, Moderator
Participants: “Does Paid Plasma Crowd-out Unpaid Blood Donations?” Peter Jaworski andWilliam English
“Paying for Plasma: Commodification, Exploitation, and Profit,” Vida Panitch and L. Chad Horne
“Paying for Kidneys? A Randomized Survey and Choice Experiment,” Nicola Lacetera
Room: Mahalia B

and here's my talk, just before drinks:

6-7 Repugnant Transactions and Forbidden Markets
Al Roth, Keynote Speaker
Room: Storyville I/II 

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