On 26 May 2020, the online seminar Madrid and The Hague systems in Mexico, organized by WIPO and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) will be streamed on Facebook. The speakers include Juan Lozano (IMPI), Victor M. Guizar (WIPO), Grégoire Bisson (WIPO), Päivi Lähdesmäki (WIPO), Geneviève Steimle (WIPO) and Martin Schlötelburg (IP Key Latin America). The seminar will be held in Spanish and English. The program can be reviewed here.

Meanwhile, the webinar COVID-19 and the impact on the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and patents (in Portuguese) will also take place on 26 May 2020. The event is organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) and the speaker is R. Craig Tucker.
On 27 May 2020, it is scheduled the webinar Intellectual Property in Brazil: Tips for Protecting and Managing your IPRs in Unprecedented Times which will be held in English and is organized by the Latin America IPR Helpdesk. Some of the speakers are Fernando MartÃnez Tejedor (Delegation of the European Union in Argentina), Joachim Jakobsen (Delegation of the European Union in Brazil) and Mariano Riccheri (IP Key LA).
Meanwhile, ABPI will hold the webinar COVID-19 and the future of the Courts (in Portuguese). The speakers are Luiz Fux (judge of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court), Luis Felipe Salomão and Benedito Gonçalves (judges of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice). The moderator is Cezar Augusto Rodrigues Costa (judge of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro).
The webinar Artificial Intelligence and Law (in Spanish) will also take place on 27 May 2020. The event organized by the Panamerican University and the Mexican Academy of Cyber Law (AMDI) will have the following speakers: Andrés Piazza Cambiagno, Silvia Ada de Conca, Manuel Magaña Rufino and Jesús M. Niebla Zatarain.
On 28 May 2020, the following webinars are scheduled:
- From West to East: Trade, IP and Investment after the Crisis (in English), organized by FIDE. Speakers: Antony Taubman (WTO), Professor Ysolde Gendreau (University of Montreal), Claudio Dordi (Bocconi University) and Xavier Seuba (Catalonian Open University).
- Copyright and freedom of expression (in Spanish), organized by AMPPI. Speaker: EfraÃn Olmedo Velázquez.
- Privacy in the time of Covid-19 (in Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Victoria Beckman, Cristina Hernández-Martà and Diego Fernández. Moderator: Agustina Fernández.
- The private copying and copyright (in Spanish), organized by the International Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (ICC Mexico). Speaker: Sergio Mayer Bretón (President of the Commission of Culture and Cinematography, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico).
- Mediation and arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution for IP issues (in Portuguese), organized by ABPI. Some speakers: Luiz Edgard Montaury Pineda (ABPI), José Graça Aranha (WIPO), and Cláudio Vilar Furtado (INPI).
- Copyright challenges faced by the music industry after COVID-19 (in Spanish), organized by Abogados contra la Crisis. Speakers: David Serras, Alex Trias, Maitane Valdecantos, Ricardo Oliva and Joaquin Casanovas.
- Partnerships for innovation and the role played by intellectual property law (in Portuguese) organized by the law firm Leão Propriedade Intelectual. Speakers: Professor Milton LucÃdio Leão Barcellos and Sibelle de Andrade Silva.
On 29 May 2020, the Latin America IPR Helpdesk will hold the webinar How To Protect Your Trade Mark in Latin America through the Madrid System (in English). The speakers are Simon Cheetham and Eli Salis.
On the same day, it will take place the round table Legal analysis of the amendments to the Copyright Law (in Spanish), organized by AMPPI. The speakers will be announced.
Last but not least, on 30 May 2020, the webinar Digital rights and copyright (in Spanish) will be streamed on Facebook. The event is organized by AMDI, AMD, the Autonomous University of Nayarit and the Autonomous University of Colima. The speaker is Jesús Parets Gómez, director of the Public Registry of the Mexican Copyright Office.
On the same day, it will take place the round table Legal analysis of the amendments to the Copyright Law (in Spanish), organized by AMPPI. The speakers will be announced.
Last but not least, on 30 May 2020, the webinar Digital rights and copyright (in Spanish) will be streamed on Facebook. The event is organized by AMDI, AMD, the Autonomous University of Nayarit and the Autonomous University of Colima. The speaker is Jesús Parets Gómez, director of the Public Registry of the Mexican Copyright Office.
The Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS) announced the 2020 edition of the Latin American International Arbitration Course (LAIAC) will be held online from 20 July until 7 August 2020.
The LAIAC covers procedural and substantive matters in commercial and investment arbitration. The program is addressed to lawyers, government and public sector officials as well as advanced law students from Latin America and worldwide.
The LAIAC will be instructed in English except for one lecture in Spanish. Apply before 31 May 2020. Scholarships and more relevant information are available here.
Did you miss some events announced here? The following are still available on-demand:
- 11-15 May. (Online) International seminar on intellectual property (in Spanish), Faculty of Law, UNAM.
- 11 May - 5 June. (Online) Course: Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries (in English), CISAC. The Spanish version of the course is available here and in Portuguese here.
- 18 May - 12 June. (Online) Course: Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry (in English), CISAC.
- 20 May. (Online) Online infringements and the legal challenges in the time of the pandemic (in Portugues), ABAPI.